Few things are worse than entering your car and being unable to cool down the interior. Whether your vehicle is blistering hot from the summer sun or just from being parked outdoors, the inside of a vehicle can reach several hundred degrees.
Not only is a faulty vehicle air conditioner inconvenient, but it’s also potentially dangerous. Blasts of heat from the car’s vents can make drivers drowsy, or even succumb to heat exhaustion. Before you begin driving your vehicle, you need to make sure your vehicle’s A/C is properly working.
KUHN AUTOMOTIVE is your car A/C experts. When you bring your vehicle to us, we’ll get the cold air blowing through your vehicle once more faster and easier than with anyone else. Don’t sweat a busted car A/C any longer and let us help you.

Broken A/C systems can be pricey to replace. Because of this, many mechanics shops always push you to pay for them to swap your air cooling system out for a new one. As a result, a less expensive repair is now costing you hundreds of dollars. Even if they replace your air conditioner with a used part, it will still cost several hundred dollars to change out.
Our team will always give you an affordable choice in vehicle air conditioning repairs and replacements services. Whether it’s a quick and easy hose replacement or a complete air compressor replacement, we do it all! Before you trust just anyone to keep you cool, let us fix your car’s A/C problems.
Sometimes the solution for your vehicle’s a/c issue is a little extra coolant to recharge your system. Low-quality coolants from discount stores won’t last for long. But when you come to us, we use professional grade coolant to keep your car cooler for longer.
Other times you need a compressor that works. Although a much more expensive repair, it will cool your car again like it did when it was brand new. If your car blows hot air when idling, or all the time, then it’s more than likely that the vehicle’s compressor at fault. When you need to know that a new expensive air compressor is installed correctly, come to the shop that you can always trust.
For better control over your vehicle’s climate that won’t cost as much as anyone else in town, let us fix your car’s air conditioning needs. You’ll have a better working A/C system that won’t break the bank.